Maciek's Music Drawers

(This page is still under construction so you won't find every info you might be interested... sorry...)

In general I listen to many different groups of various styles. Some time ago I divided all my Music into a couple of "drawers". The very first and the most important one is of course:

Drawer 1 - The Cure

Later go 2 drawers which I wouldn't like to put in order 'cause they are full of non-comparable Music. Both of them I love. Both of them have created a very big part of my flesh and blood (...and the first kiss). Well, I don't like any labels but as many people ask me about my Music I usually call them:

Drawer 2 - sea the sky Drawer 3 - progressive rock

Another very important drawer is Music that brought me up. Rather unknown Music in the world, very underrated and really very very good. That's Music from my country:

Drawer 4 - Polish Music

Yeah, I think these I can call the most important Music drawers of my life. As for many years they have become bigger and bigger I started to have less and less time for other drawers. Anyway they still exist, each of them has had its time in my life:

Drawer 5 - alternative Drawer 6 - pop/rock
Drawer 7 - jazz Drawer 8 - electronic
Drawer 9 - classical